knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi=200, out.width='2000px')
options(width = 2000)
plotPE = function(bed, add=FALSE, percent=FALSE, col=c('#ff000055', '#0000ff55')) {
d = data.frame(pos=seq(min(c(bed$start, bed$end)), max(c(bed$start, bed$end))))
total = ifelse(percent, sum(bed$count)/100, 1)
d$starts = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(bed$count[bed$start == p]))/total
d$ends = sapply(d$pos, function(p) -sum(bed$count[bed$end == p]))/total
plotBounds(d$pos, d$starts, d$ends, col, add)
plotBounds = function(pos, starts, ends, width=1, col=c('#ff000055', '#0000ff55'), density=NA, border=NA, add=FALSE, percent=F) {
if(length(pos) != length(starts) | length(pos) != length(ends)) stop('pos, starts and ends need to be same length')
if(percent) { starts = starts/(sum(starts)+sum(ends))*100; ends = ends/(sum(starts)+sum(ends))*100 }
if(!add) {
plot(0, xlim=range(pos), ylim=range(c(starts, -ends)), type='n', ylab=' <- Ends | Starts ->', xlab='Position')
rect(pos-width/2, 0, pos+width/2, starts, col=col[2], border=border, density=density)
rect(pos-width/2, -ends, pos+width/2, 0, col=col[1], border=border, density=density)
plotBoundsBatch = function(pos, starts, ends, col=c('#ff000055', '#0000ff55'), density=NA, border=NA, start, end, pad=20, seq='', struc='', separate.ends=F, title='', file='') {
if(length(col) < ncol(starts)) { col = rep(col, ncol(starts)) }
if(length(density) < ncol(starts)) { density = rep(density, ncol(starts)) }
if(length(border) < ncol(starts)) { border = rep(border, ncol(starts)) }
if(file!='') {pdf(file, 12, 6)}
if(separate.ends) {
# if(file!='') {pdf(file, 12, 6)}
layout(matrix(c(1,3,2,3), nrow=2))
sel = start+(-pad:pad)
s = starts[pos %in% sel,]; e = matrix(0, length(sel), ncol(s)); total = colSums(s)+colSums(e)+1; s = t(t(s)/total)*100; e = t(t(e)/total)*100;
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(start-pad, start+pad), ylim=range(c(s, -e), na.rm=T)*1.1, xlab='Position', ylab='<- Ends % Starts ->', main='5`', xaxt='n')
axis(1, c(round(pad/5):1*-5+1, 0, 1, 1:round(pad/5)*5), rep('', 2*round(pad/5)+2), cex.axis=0.7)
axis(1, -(pad-1):pad, rep('', 2*pad), tck=-0.01)
mtext(paste0(rep(c('-', '+'), each=round(pad/5)+1), c(round(pad/5):1*5, 1, 1, 1:round(pad/5)*5)), 1, line=0.5, outer=F, at=c(round(pad/5):1*-5+1, -0.2, 1.2, 1:round(pad/5)*5), cex=0.8)
mtext(seq[start:(start+pad)], at=start:(start+pad), cex=0.4)
if(ncol(starts)>3) { abline(v=start+(-pad:pad)-0.5, col='#55555555', lty=3) }
abline(v=c(start-.5, end+.5), col='red', lty=2)
for(i in 1:ncol(starts)) {
plotBounds(pos[pos %in% sel]-0.5+i/(ncol(starts)+1), s[,i], e[,i], width=1/(ncol(starts)+1), col=rep(col[i], 2), density=density[i], border=border[i], add=T)
sel = (end-pad):(end+pad)
s = matrix(0, length(sel), ncol(starts)); e = ends[pos %in% sel,]; total = colSums(s)+colSums(e)+1; s = t(t(s)/total)*100; e = t(t(e)/total)*100;
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(end-pad, end+pad), ylim=range(c(s, -e), na.rm=T)*1.1, xlab='Position', ylab='<- Ends % Starts ->', main='3`', xaxt='n')
axis(1, end+round(-pad/5):round(pad/5)*5, rep('', 2*round(pad/5)+1), cex.axis=0.7)
axis(1, -(pad-1):pad+end, rep('', 2*pad), tck=-0.01)
mtext(end+round(-pad/5):round(pad/5)*5, 1, line=0.5, outer=F, at=end+round(-pad/5):round(pad/5)*5, cex=0.8)
mtext(seq[(end-pad):end], at=(end-pad):end, cex=0.4)
if(ncol(starts)>3) { abline(v=(end-pad):(end+pad)-0.5, col='#55555555', lty=3) }
abline(v=c(start-.5, end+.5), col='red', lty=2)
for(i in 1:ncol(starts)) {
plotBounds(pos[pos %in% sel]-0.5+i/(ncol(starts)+1), s[,i], e[,i], width=1/(ncol(starts)+1), col=rep(col[i], 2), density=density[i], border=border[i], add=T)
sel = (start+pad):(end-pad)
s = starts[pos %in% sel,]; e = ends[pos %in% sel,]; total = colSums(s)+colSums(e)+1; s = t(t(s)/total)*100; e = t(t(e)/total)*100;
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(start+pad, end-pad), ylim=range(c(s, -e), na.rm=T)*1.1, xlab='Position', ylab='<- Ends % Starts ->', main='middle')
mtext(seq[sel], at=sel, cex=0.4)
abline(v=c(start-.5, end+.5), col='red', lty=2)
for(i in 1:ncol(starts)) {
plotBounds(pos[pos %in% sel]-0.5+i/(ncol(starts)+1), s[,i], e[,i], width=1/(ncol(starts)+1), col=rep(col[i], 2), density=density[i], border=border[i], add=T)
} else {
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(start-pad, end+pad), ylim=c(-80, 80), xlab='Position', ylab='<- Ends % Starts ->', main=title)
mtext(seq, at=start:end, cex=0.4)
mtext(struc, line=-0.5, at=start:end, cex=0.4)
abline(v=c(start-.5, end+.5), col='red', lty=2)
for(i in 1:ncol(starts)) {
plotBounds(pos-0.5+i/(ncol(starts)+1), starts[, i]/sum(starts[, i])*100, ends[,i]/sum(ends[, i])*100, width=1/(ncol(starts)+1), col=rep(col[i], 2), density=density[i], border=border[i], add=T, percent=F)
if(file!='') {}
plotStacked = function(bed, add=FALSE, hide.less=0, col='blue') {
bed = bed[order(bed$start, bed$end), ]
bed = bed[bed$count > hide.less, ]
bed$h = cumsum(bed$count)-bed$count
if(!add) { plot(0, xlim=range(c(bed$start, bed$end)), ylim=c(0, sum(bed$count)), type='n', ylab='Reads', xlab='Position') }
rect(bed$start-0.5, bed$h, bed$end+0.5, bed$h+bed$count, col=col, border=NA)
plotCoverage = function(bed, add=FALSE, percent=FALSE, col='blue', border=NA, lwd=1) {
c = data.frame(pos=seq(min(c(bed$start, bed$end)), max(c(bed$start, bed$end))))
c$depth = sapply(c$pos, function(p) sum(bed$count[bed$start <= p & p <= bed$end]))
if(percent) c$depth = c$depth/max(c$depth)*100
if(!add) { plot(0, xlim=range(c$pos), ylim=c(0, max(c$depth)), type='n', ylab='Depth [%]', xlab='Position') }
polygon(rep(c$pos, each=2)+c(-.5, .5), rep(c$depth, each=2), col=col, border=border, lwd=lwd)
plotNorthern = function(bed, background=NA, lim=c(1, 500), smooth=0.2, horizontal=T, file='') {
bed$l = bed$end-bed$start
frags = sapply(seq(lim[1], lim[2]), function(x) sum(bed$count[bed$l == x]))
# frags = aggregate(count ~ l, bed, sum)
frags.smooth = smooth.spline(x=seq(lim[1], lim[2]), (frags)^(1/3), spar=smooth)
if(file!='') {pdf(file, 12, 6)}
if(horizontal) {
plot(0, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=lim, type='n', ylab='', xlab='Size [nt]', yaxt='n', log='x')
rect(frags.smooth$x, 0, frags.smooth$x+1, 1, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, abs(frags.smooth$y)/max(frags.smooth$y)), border=NA)
} else {
plot(0, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=lim, type='n', xlab='', ylab='Size [nt]', xaxt='n', log='y', las=2)
rect(0, frags.smooth$x, 1, frags.smooth$x+1, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, abs(frags.smooth$y)/max(frags.smooth$y)), border=NA)
if(file!='') {}
All libraries (old and new) were freshly processed including quality
assessment, adapter trimming and trimming of bad quality bases at the
ends, using fastp v0.23.2
(Chen et
al. 2018). Trimmed reads were then mapped against Bacillus
subtilis 168 genome (NC_000964.3, GCF_000009045.1_ASM904v1) and
alignments extracted for loci of 6S-1 and -2 +/-100nt. In the first
sequencing run was analyzed using segemehl v0.2.0
only. For
the new run, I re-mapped all old and new data with different mapping
algorithms: segemehl
(Hoffmann et al.
2014), bwa
(Li and Durbin
2010), bowtie2
(Langmead and
Salzberg 2012), STAR
(Dobin et
al. 2013) to compare different approaches. The newest version of
segemehl v0.3.4
had problems with trimmed reads (could not
read all reads in library). Since all mappers yield mostly indifferent
results, I proceeded with bwa v0.7.17-r1188
libraries. Only perfectly mapping paired reads were used.
There are four different visual representations of the paired-end reads:
Positions are relative to the respective annotated 6S gene starting with \(0\) and might not correspond exactly to canonical 6S transcript indices! Old libraries are colored red (gray outline for WT reference) and new libraries are colored blue (black outline for WT reference).
seq = seqinr::read.fasta('data/GCF_000009045.1_ASM904v1_genomic.fna', forceDNAtolower=F)[[1]]
rna6s = read.csv('6sRNA.bed', sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'score', 'strand', 'fold'), header=F)
rna6s$seq = apply(rna6s, 1, function(r) {
s = chartr('T', 'U', toupper(paste0(seq[r[['start']]:r[['end']]], collapse='')))
if(r[['strand']]=='-') {s = chartr('ACGTUN', 'UGCAAN', toupper(paste0(seq[r[['end']]:(r[['start']])], collapse='')))}
strsplit(s, '')[[1]]})
# paste0(s, collapse='')})
rna6s$length = rna6s$end - rna6s$start +1
rna6s$fold = apply(rna6s, 1, function(x) strsplit(x[['fold']], '')[[1]])
# rna6s$seq = apply(rna6s, 1, function(r) {paste0(ifelse(r[['strand']]=='-', seq[r[['end']]:r[['start']]], seq[r[['start']]:r[['end']]]), collapse='')})
# rna6s$seq = chartr('ACGTNU', 'UGCANA', paste0(toupper(rna6s$seq), collapse=''))
ds = read.csv('6sRNAse.meta.tsv', header=T, sep='\t')
# ds = subset(ds, rnase!='Y')
# ds$hue = rep(seq(0, floor(nrow(ds)/2)-1)/(nrow(ds)/2+3), each=2)
# ShortRead::countFastq(ds$fastq1)
# ShortRead::countFastq(paste0('data/', ds$name, '.R1.fq.gz'))
stats = read.csv('6sRNAse.stats.tsv', header=T, sep='\t')
fc = read.csv('data/6sRNAse.counts.fc.tsv.summary', header=T, sep='\t')
names(fc) = gsub('.bwa.sort.bam', '', names(fc))
names(fc)[grep('4erKO', names(fc))] = substr(names(fc)[grep('4erKO', names(fc))], 2, 99)
counts = read.csv('data/6sRNAse.counts.fc.tsv', header=T, sep='\t', skip=1)
names(counts) = gsub('.bwa.sort.bam', '', names(counts))
names(counts)[grep('4erKO', names(counts))] = substr(names(counts)[grep('4erKO', names(counts))], 2, 99)
stats$genomic = colSums(fc[1:13, stats$name])
stats$transcript = colSums(fc[1, stats$name])
stats$`5S` = colSums(counts[counts$Geneid %in% c('gene-BSU_rRNA_5', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_26', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_8', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_11', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_15', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_24', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_28', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_13', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_18', 'gene-BSU_rRNA_21'), stats$name])
stats$`6S1` = colSums(counts[counts$Geneid == 'gene-BSU_misc_RNA_41', stats$name])
stats$`6S2` = colSums(counts[counts$Geneid == 'gene-BSU_misc_RNA_32', stats$name])
stats$`6S1.pp` = 0
stats$`6S2.pp` = 0
pad = 15
for(run in 1:2) {
cat(paste('\n\n## Run', run, '\n'))
for(i in 1:nrow(rna6s)) {
rna = rna6s[i,]
cat(paste('\n\n###', rna$name, '\n'))
ref1 = read.csv(paste0('data/', ds$name[ds$rnase == 'WT' & ds$rep == run], '.bwa.', rna$name, '.bed'), sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'count'))
ref1$start = ref1$start+1 - rna$start
ref1$end = ref1$end - rna$start
# ref1 = ref1[ref1$start >= -pad & ref1$end <= rna$length+pad, ]
if(rna$strand=='-') {
seq = rev(chartr('ACGTNU', 'UGCANA', seq))
tmp = rna$length - ref1$end
ref1$end = rna$length - ref1$start
ref1$start = tmp
# ref1$start = -(ref1$start+1 - rna$start) + (rna$end-rna$start)
# ref2 = read.csv(paste0('data/', ds$name[ds$rnase == 'WT' & ds$rep == 2], '.bwa.', rna$name, '.bed'), sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'count'))
# ref2$start = ref2$start+1
d = data.frame(pos=-pad:(rna$length+pad))
pos = d$pos
starts = matrix(0, nrow(d), length(unique(ds$rnase[ds$rep==run])))
ends = starts
total1 = sum(ref1$count)/100
d$ref1_starts = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(ref1$count[ref1$start == p]))
# starts[,1] = d$ref1_starts
d$ref1_ends = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(ref1$count[ref1$end == p]))
# ends[,1] = d$ref1_ends
# total2 = sum(ref2$count)/100
# d$ref2_starts = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(ref2$count[ref2$start == p]))/total2
# d$ref2_ends = sapply(d$pos, function(p) -sum(ref2$count[ref2$end == p]))/total2
rnases = unique(ds$rnase[ds$rep==run])
for(j in 1:length(rnases)) {
r = rnases[j]
cat(paste('\n\n####', r, '\n'))
hue = ds$hue[ds$rnase==r & ds$rep ==run]
bed1 = read.csv(paste0('data/', ds$name[ds$rnase == r & ds$rep == run], '.bwa.', rna$name, '.bed'), sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'count'))
if(i == 1) stats[stats$name == ds$name[ds$rnase == r & ds$rep == run], '6S1.pp'] = sum(bed1$count)
if(i == 2) stats[stats$name == ds$name[ds$rnase == r & ds$rep == run], '6S2.pp'] = sum(bed1$count)
bed1$start = bed1$start+1 - rna$start
bed1$end = bed1$end - rna$start
# bed1 = bed1[bed1$start >= -pad & bed1$end <= rna$length+pad, ]
if(rna$strand=='-') {
tmp = rna$length - bed1$end
bed1$end = rna$length - bed1$start
bed1$start = tmp
total1 = sum(bed1$count)/100
d$bed1_starts = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(bed1$count[bed1$start == p]))
d$bed1_ends = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(bed1$count[bed1$end == p]))
starts[,j] = d$bed1_starts
ends[,j] = d$bed1_ends
# bed2 = read.csv(paste0('data/', ds$name[ds$rnase == r & ds$rep == 2], '.bwa.', rna$name, '.bed'), sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'count'))
# bed2$start = bed2$start+1
# total2 = sum(bed2$count)/100
# d$bed2_starts = sapply(d$pos, function(p) sum(bed2$count[bed2$start == p]))/total2
# d$bed2_ends = sapply(d$pos, function(p) -sum(bed2$count[bed2$end == p]))/total2
plotBoundsBatch(d$pos, d[, c(4, 2)], d[, c(5, 3)], col=c(hsv(hue, 1, 1), '#55555555'), start=1, end=rna$length, pad=pad, seq=rna$seq[[1]], struc=rna$fold[[1]], title=r, file="")#paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.', r, '.', run, '.pdf'))
plotBoundsBatch(d$pos, d[, c(4, 2)], d[, c(5, 3)], col=c(hsv(hue, 1, 1), '#00000055'), start=1, end=rna$length, pad=pad, seq=rna$seq[[1]], struc=rna$fold[[1]], title=r, separate.ends=T, file="")#paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.', r, '.', run, '_zoom.pdf'))
# pdf(file=paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.', r, '.', run, '_stack.pdf'), 12, 6)
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(-pad, rna$length+pad), ylim=c(0, max(sum(bed1$count), 1)), xlab='Position', ylab='Reads', main=r)
mtext(rna$seq[[1]], at=1:rna$length, cex=0.4)
mtext(rna$fold[[1]], 3, -0.5, at=1:rna$length, cex=0.4)
plotStacked(bed1, T, col=hsv(hue, 1, 1))
abline(v=c(.5, rna$length+.5), col='red', lty=2)
# pdf(file=paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.', r, '.', run, '_coverage.pdf'), 12, 6)
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(-pad, rna$length+pad), ylim=c(0, 100), xlab='Position', ylab='Coverage', main=r)
mtext(rna$seq[[1]], at=1:rna$length, cex=0.4)
# plotCoverage(bed2, T, T, col=hsv(hue, s=0.8, v=1, alpha=0.5))
plotCoverage(bed1, T, T, col=hsv(hue, s=1, v=1, alpha=1))
# plotCoverage(ref2, T, T, col=NA, border='black')
plotCoverage(ref1, T, T, col=NA, border='black')
abline(v=c(.5, rna$length+.5), col='red', lty=2)
legend('topright', legend=c(r, 'WT'), fill=c(hsv(hue, s=1, v=1, alpha=1), 'black'), cex=0.5)
# d$diff_starts = d$bed1_starts-d$ref1_starts
# d$diff_starts_plus = d$diff_starts; d$diff_starts_plus[d$diff_starts<0] = 0
# d$diff_starts_minus = -d$diff_starts; d$diff_starts_minus[d$diff_starts>0] = 0
# d$diff_ends = d$bed1_ends-d$ref1_ends
# d$diff_ends_plus = -d$diff_ends; d$diff_ends_plus[d$diff_ends>0] = 0
# d$diff_ends_minus = d$diff_ends; d$diff_ends_minus[d$diff_ends<0] = 0
# plotBoundsBatch(d$pos, d[, c('diff_starts_plus', 'diff_starts_minus')], d[, c('diff_ends_plus', 'diff_ends_minus')], col=c('#ff000055', '#0000ff55'), density=c(NA, NA), start=1, end=rna$length, pad=pad, seq=rna$seq[[1]], title=paste(r, 'diff'), border=c(NA, NA))
# plotBoundsBatch(d$pos, d[, c('diff_starts_plus', 'diff_starts_minus')], d[, c('diff_ends_plus', 'diff_ends_minus')], col=c('#ff000055', '#0000ff55'), density=c(NA, NA), start=1, end=rna$length, pad=pad, seq=rna$seq[[1]], title=paste(r, 'diff'), separate.ends=T, border=c(NA, NA))
cat(paste('\n\n#### All at once\n'))
plotBoundsBatch(pos, starts[, ds$show[ds$rep==run]], ends[, ds$show[ds$rep==run]], col=c(hsv(ds$hue[ds$rep==run & ds$show], 1, 1)), start=1, end=rna$length, pad=pad, seq=rna$seq[[1]], struc=rna$fold[[1]], separate.ends=T, file="")#paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.all.', run, '.pdf'))
cat(paste('\n\n#### *in silico* Northern blot\n'))
# pdf(file=paste0('processing_', rna$name, '.all.', run, '_northern.pdf'), 12, 6)
par(mfrow=c(1, length(unique(ds$rnase[ds$rep==run]))), mar=c(3,6,2,1))
for(r in unique(ds$rnase[ds$rep==run])) {
bed1 = read.csv(paste0('data/', ds$name[ds$rnase == r & ds$rep == run], '.bwa.', rna$name, '.bed'), sep='\t', col.names=c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'count'))
# cat(paste0(r, '\t', sum(bed1$count), '\n'))
plotNorthern(bed1, lim=c(30, 250), horizontal=F, smooth=0.2)
# mtext(paste0('# Reads\n', format(sum(bed1$count), big.mark=',')), 1, 2, cex=0.8)